4/18 ピエロのナナ サーカスショー


4月18日(土曜日)は、とちのきファミリーランドにて開催されたピエロのナナちゃん サーカスショーを観覧してきました。





11 Replies to “4/18 ピエロのナナ サーカスショー”

  1. まるで、その場で観ているような素敵な写真がいっぱいです。リフレッシュができました!ほんとに、ほんとに、ありがとうございまあす。

  2. > 冬みかんさん

  3. Woww!! Thats great to watch the nana chan street circus. THey are highly talented to perform such risky tasks in front of public without any fear. Really appreciable and I am glad that you have shared this with us.

  4. google翻訳

    Woww !!ナナちゃんストリートサーカスを見に素晴らしい厥。彼らはすべてのを恐れることなく、公共の前で、そのような危険なタスクを実行するために非常に才能があります。本当にかなり、私はあなたが私たちと共有していることをうれしく思います。

  5. google翻訳



    I’m sorry. It is not taking in the video.
    In YouTube, because there are a few of the other person if the search for "ピエロ ナナ" is up, please take a look at there.

    YouTubeで、” ピエロ ナナ” で検索すれば他の方がアップしているのがいくつかありますので、そちらをごらんになってください。

  6. Never been to one either and i am twenty and in college. However the main reason I never go to a concert is because no bands I like have a concert near me ever, not once, so I dont want to waste my money going to a concert to listen to music I dont like.

    plus one of my friends goes to gigs all the time and does crazy things and when I say crazy I mean so crazy it makes me regret not going (absolutely unspeakable stuff however I think that is probably just my friend).

    you could use the money for going to a concert for travelling which I believe would be more fun as their would be more opportunities to do stuff.

  7. plus one of my friends goes to gigs all the time and does crazy things and when I say crazy I mean so crazy it makes me regret not going (absolutely unspeakable stuff however I think that is probably just my friend)

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